The Seniors Pick Favorites
The seniors filled out a senior survey sheet last week in order to pick the senior who is outstanding in certain areas. The answers were added up and the results were as follows:
Most service to school …..…Steven Freestone, Barbara Sato
Most intelligent .....................Eric Zenk, Judy Newman
Hardest worker .....................Brent Wilcock, Joanne Ray
Best personality ....................Kjetil Hauge, Jayne Winterton
Most popular..........................Steven Freestone, Marcia Chalk
Friendliest disposition ...........Jim Klein, Jayne Winterton
Most school spirit .................David Smart, Beverly Ray
Best journalist .......................Noel Beasley, Stephanie Hoeye
Best athlete ...........................Bill LeSueur, Judy Champeau
Most talented ........................Melvin Perkins, Margie Threet
Most likely to succeed ..........Jared Huish, Barbara Sato, Judy Newman
Cutest couple .........................John Thierbach, Carol Hutchinson
Best dancer.......…...………..Richard Stiles, Carol Huber
Worst driver ..........................Gary Tibshraeny. Joanne Ray
Shyest ....................................Jack Coleman, Sheri Chamberlain
Wittiest ..................................Noel Beasley, Nancy Arnett
Most beautiful eyes ..............Bob Peterson, Linda Rowan
Longest lashes ......................Sharon Legge
Best figure .............................Gayle Johannson
Best Physique ........................Lynn Bedford
Nicest smile ...…………........Ken Murdock, Mary Lou Reed
Most handsome .....................Bob Peterson
Most beautiful .......................Carol Hutchinson
Prettiest ..................................Marcia Chalk
Best dressed ..........................Rex Wales, Stephanie Hoeye
Biggest clown .........................Dickie Coombs
Sharpest car ...........................Gary Metheny, Carolyn Evans